Deryn's Plant of the Week

Lantana montevidensis

Aromatic small foliage is festooned with purple, white or purple and white tubular

flowers in compact clusters year round.

Use it as a low growing groundcover, allow it to mound up as a small shrub up to 1m tall

and wide or keep it clipped to about 30cm tall.

It travels using creeping stems and is sterile so it will not seed into bushland.

Plants are drought tolerant and flower best in full sun but can be grown in part shade.

Lantana montevidensis is a fabulous plant in hot dry areas of Western Australia and South Australia and other dry climates but is an invasive weed in tropical areas and the east coast of Australia.


Steve's Plant of the Week

Syzygium 'Bush Christmas'

Australian native, this select form has extremely compact foliage making it ideal for topiary creations. It also makes an excellent hedge from 1 to 3 metres in height. New foliage produced in winter is a rich burgundy contrasting beautifully against the mature dark green foliage.

When using as a hedge space plants 3 per metre for optimum results. Will thrive on one to two watering’s a week once established.


Sabrina's Plant of the Week

Geranium 'Rozanne'

One of my absolute favourite geraniums is a cranesbill type known as geranium Rozanne. The flowers are a beautiful violet colour and it flowers for months on end.

Geranium Rozanne was selected as the UK’s Royal Horticultural Society Plant of the Century in 2013, with good reason. It has exceptional flowering and grows in just about any soil type. 

Steve Wood